This video has no audio and is a demo of a website I created using Socket.IO to allow for screens to show all user updates instantly. It is a mobile-only website which is linked above.
I created this website for my undergraduate thesis project, for which I worked on several websites around the idea of designing my own version of the web with the goals of collaboration, community, creativity, and craft. This website was built and designed from scratch by me, using Javascript, HTML, CSS, and Socket.IO. 
This website was inspired by word or letter fridge magnets being used to leave messages. It encourages users to write using the draggable letter “magnets” and there is a button to add more words to the page and another button to add a prompt to boost creativity. ​​​​​​​
The goal was to create connections through the web, so if more than one person is on the website, everyone can see each other's mouse movements and the words being dragged. It allows for collaboration between friends or total strangers. I taught myself how to use WebSockets for this so as to allow users from anywhere to connect and be creative. My Javascript experience before this was fairly limited (in retrospect) and this website pushed my coding abilities and taught me about front and back end web development.

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